
Fun Chinese enrichment
N2 - K2 Fun Chinese Enrichment
Pictorial Words Recognition and Early Step by Step Reading
Focusing and Memory Training
Story appreciation / Drama /Poetry/ Singing/ Handcraft

Han Yu Pin Yin Booster
K2 Han Yu Pin Yin Booster Program
Chinese Pinyin rap and formula
Fun-filled games, activities to booster Pin Yin skills
Memory Training/ Handcraft /Story appreciation

P1 Preparation Program (P1P)
P1 Preparation Program
Han Yu Pin Yin and Vocabulary and Grammar
Show and Tell Practice/ Fun listening games

Integrated Chinese Tuition
Pri 1 - Sec 4 Integrated Chinese Tuition
Follows MOE syllabus (PPT)
Various test orientated activities
Fun filled activities to booster oral and listening skills
Creative ways to improve composition & comprehension

PSLE Sprint Program (P6S)
P6 PSLE Sprint Program
Exam Focus Recap and Revision
Exam-Orientated Intensive Training and Exercise
Focus to improve on individual’s weak module

Composition & Comprehension
Composition and Comprehension Program
Structure of Composition
Application of grammar, vocabulary and literary techniques
Essay appreciation and good phrases like Idioms, Proverbs
Comprehension technique and Critical thinking

Oral & Listening
Oral and Listening Program
New Oral Examination Format (2017)
Discussion of hot examination themes
Reading practices and techniques
Exam format Listening practice and techniques

1 - 1 School Based Private Tuition
1 - 1 School Based Private Tuition
Contact us for any enquiry

Holiday 3C Program
Holiday 3C Program
K2 – P1 Storytelling & Composition
Kids like stories , especially when they can bring the “story craft “home. How wonderful it is! Give them an opportunity to tell you a story when they are home from Lexue!
P2-P3 & P4-P5 3C program
1”C”: Communication Let’s build up the “broken Chinese”bricks into nicer houses, through games, songs and role-plays.
2”C”: Comprehension Reading will become more fun by cutting the big “passage cakes” into smaller, digestible pieces.
3”C”: Composition Tell us what you can see, feel, hear and think, we will provide you the colorful crayons to “write” a beautiful picture.

Adult Conversational Chinese
N2 - K2 Fun Chinese Enrichment
Pictorial Words Recognition and Early Step by Step Reading
Focusing and Memory Training
Story appreciation / Drama /Poetry/ Singing/ Handcraft